Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Nonproliferation and Safety (LANNS)
We are a research group that works to answer cutting-edge questions in nuclear nonproliferation, as an integral part of the Nuclear & Radiological Engineering (NRE) and Medical Physics (MP) programs in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Main areas of our members’ work include reactor verification & safeguards, radiation detector & detector systems development, and computational analysis & algorithms.
Nuclear nonproliferation is a broad, branching concept commonly associated with studies in international relations and the diplomatic efforts involved in advancing the peaceful use of atomic energy. Underpinning these efforts, however, are the complex sciences of nuclear physics, reactor design, and novel technologies to detect and monitor radioactive material. The LANNS group is a multidisciplinary team operating within this space. LANNS works in tandem with faculty and students from the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, the School of Chemistry & Biochemistry, and the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs. Our offices are located on the third floor of the Boggs building on the main Atlanta campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology.